Secret Teachings of Plants: 02 - Where does your self reside in your body?(魂は体のどこにありますか?)

私が担当するMorning Yoga @ Yoga of Lifeクラスでは、Shakti Initiation(バリ島で行われる女性のみの500時間ヨガ研修)で課題本として受講生の私たちが読み、毎週ディスカッションの題材にしている本を紹介しています。
課題本のうちの一冊「Secret Teachings of Plants」からの一節を12月は紹介しています。先日12/7(日)クラス朝に紹介した一節が以下です。 

At my Morning Yoga class at 7am on Thu and Sun @ Yoga of Life, I'm reading a piece from the books assigned to Shakti Initiation (Women only yoga leadership training in Bali in March 2015).  In the month of December, I am introducing "Secret Teachings of Plants" by Stephen Harrod Buhner.  Below is what I talked about in my last class on Sun 7th December.  


The majority of modern peoples, if asked to find the place within their body where the unique self resides, would say that they live about an inch above their eyebrows and about two inches into the skull.  But most indigenous and historical peoples would locate the self someplace very different.  They would gesture in the region of the heart.  For most of our history of habitation on Earth, that is where the seat of intelligence, the seat of the soul, was located.  

…..The location that most people now identify as themselves, oriented in the brain, is only one of them. 

Interestingly, as human consciousness orients itself in different locations in the body, its mode of cognition changes as well.  The verbal/intellectual/analytic mode of cognition so common among scientists is the mode utilized by the brain.  

….We have been so habituated to this mode that we often forget there is another form of cognition.  This second mode is the holistic/intuitive/depth mode of cognition.  And when the seat of consciousness is located not in the brain, but in the heart, it is this second, more holistic mode that is activated.  


