Serect Teachings of Plants:07 - Impacts on Health and Disease(心臓と脳の同調が健康におよぼす影響)

In my morning yoga class (every Thu and Sun 7:00-8:00am) at Yoga of Life in Shimokitazawa, Tokyo, I'm introducing quotes from the assignment books from  Shakti Initiation, women only yoga leardership training in Bali in Spring of 2015 which I'm participating.

In the month of December, I'm introducing quotes from "Secret Teachings of Plants" by Stephen Harrod Buhner.  If you missed my class, here's what I talked about on Thu 25th.

私が担当するMorning Yoga @ Yoga of Lifeクラスは、毎週木曜と日曜の朝7時からの60分クラスです。
クラスの最初に、来年春に私が参加するShakti Initiation(バリ島で行われる女性のみの500時間ヨガ研修)で課題本として受講生の私たちが読み、毎週ディスカッションの題材にしている本を紹介しています。

課題本のうちの一冊「Secret Teachings of Plants」からの一節を12月は紹介しています。12/25(日)のクラスで紹介した一節が以下です。 

P.105 - Impacts on Health and Disease
“The heart is the most powerful oscillator in the body and its behavior is naturally nonlinear and irregular.  … The heartbeat in young, healthy people is highly irregular.  But heart beat patterns tend to become very regular and predictable as people get older or as their hearts become diseased.  The greater the HRV (heart rate variability), the more complex the heart’s beating patterns are and the healthier the heart is.” 


“The more the heart entrains to the brain (rather than vice versa), and the longer it does so, the less it displays a variable HRV, the less fractal its processes are, and the more regular it is.”


“During major depression and panic disorder, as in many pathological heart conditions, the hear’s electromagnetic spectrum begins to show a narrower range, and beating patterns again become very regular.”


“Conversely, increasing heart coherence and heart/brain entrainment has shown a great many positive health effects.  Increased heart coherence boosts the body’s production of immunoglobulin A, a naturally occurring compound that protects the body’s mucous membranes and helps prevent infections. 
Increased heart coherence and heart/brain entrainment also produces improvements in disorders such as arrhythmia, mitral valve prolapse, congestive heart failure, asthma, diabetes, fatigue, autoimmune conditions, autonomic exhaustion, anxiety, depression, AIDS, and post-traumatic stress disorder.  In general, in many diseases, overall healing rate are enhanced. 






